Welcome to Rocky Bluff Farm


Welcome to our farm!  Rocky Bluff Farm is our Sim-Angus Cattle Farm in Nortonville, KY.  It is named after two Natural Rock Formations on our property.  We have about 130 acres of pasture and a few wooded acres.  With rotational grazing and intense management, we are able to have about 60 brood cows, 15-20 replacement heifers and our freezer beefs to be fed out.  We run 4 bulls and AI our entire herd--including replacement heifers and heifers bred for special bred heifer sales.  We also rent ground to raise and put up our own hay.


My husband, William and I (Becky) have been fully managing his family's cattle farm since 2003. As family help dwindled due to aging parents, health and availability, we began looking for an alternative to hired help. Since, I have always had pets, I searched and found a cattle herding dog breed that could be my family's pet and help around our farm too!


I expect my cattle dogs to work hard in all conditions. We synchronize our AI breeding, so we have to have our cows at the barn many times, irregardless of rain, dust, mud, and cold or heat. My dogs go to work gladly any time. Their favorite part is the Gator ride to the field. Then they gather the cows and bring them to the barn. They save us so many steps when we gather our cow herds for routine workings or just moving them from field to field.  


I have been training border collies to work our cows since 2000.   I start them as pups in the yard and then move to sheep.  With more training and age, I progress them to begin working our young heifers.  I love the dogs and they are a part of our family. Each one here has a job. My goal is to raise and train truly cattle working dogs that can help someone else out as much as my dogs have helped us.  Contact me and I'll help you find a dog that is right for you and your situation.


Becky  Slaton